Recently I read about eyebrow transplant and how it is a good solution to rectify the problem of thinning brows. Could you please tell me how effective this is and how it works?
A: As one ages, there is thinning of the eyebrow hair. A well-shaped, thick and dark brow defines the face and makes it look younger. Hair transplant of the brow is a safe and effective method for brow restoration. One needs to choose the doctor carefully as it requires a lot of precision and expertise to achieve the desired outcome. The angulation and direction of hair is of prime importance when considering eyebrow transplant. Depending on how sparse the hair is, one may require anything from 50 to 300 grafts per eyebrow.
My daughter, who is in her teens, suffers from mild eczema. How can one treat it without using very strong chemical-infused lotions or creams?
A: In some genetic conditions such as asthma, eczema, allergies, the skin is prone to premature drying. Here no amount of lotions keeps the dryness at bay. I personally believe in using loads of oil in such extreme dry skin conditions. This also helps to delay signs of aging. Also, as per the changes in weather, one can switch between oil and moisturising lotion. In extreme dry weather conditions an oil is better and in high levels of humidity, a lotion/cream is more suitable. One of the best moisturisers you can use is white petroleum jelly. One can also use creams which have lactic acid, and Urea or Shea Butter, particularly on the most rough and tough areas of skin, such as heels, elbows, and knees.